《符号与传媒》,是四川大学符号学-传媒学研究所主办的中英文双语学术期刊,目前由四川大学文学与新闻学院赵毅衡教授任责任主编,每年三月,九月分春秋两期出版。自2008年创办以来,《符号与传媒》已经连续出版5年,刊载符号学-传媒学专业论文200余篇,与国内外符号学团队合作共推出10余个颇具影响力的学术研究专题。 本着兼容并包,不拘一格的开放性学术理念,本刊努力将符号学方法与理论系统地扩展至新闻传播学研究,文学文化研究,叙述研究,中国文化典籍研究,艺术研究等众多研究领域,拓宽符号学运动的锋面。本刊所征收的稿件不仅涵盖社会、历史、文化、经济等科学范畴,更着重于将思想的触角延伸至人类科学的各种门类,各种活动。 《符号与传媒》希望通过不同形式的探索,为符号学提供一片广阔的沃土。
Signs & Media
Signs & Media is a bilingual (English-Chinese), peer-reviewed academic journal, founded in 2008 by the Institute of Semiotics & Media Studies (ISMS), Sichuan University. Signs & Media, dedicating itself to the interdisciplinary research on semiotics and media studies, has since published more than 200 professional papers by scholars from all around the world. Under the editorship of Professor Henry Yiheng Zhao, Signs & Media endeavors to systematically expand semiotics to all fields of human sciences, covering, notably, , communication and media studies, cultural studies, art and literature, as well as narratology, stylistics, discourse analysis, cognitive science in the semiotic perspective, and, in particular, reinterpretations of Chinese traditional semiotic heritage.